Quote Originally Posted by TheChosen1 View Post
by: khali

Later in the interview, he admitted to using them at one time and how it was a moral dilemma because he takes being a role model for kids very seriously. He said it was tough for him to present himself as a role model and continue to use steroids. He said the fear of being caught and disappointing kids was too much, so he stopped using them.
It becomes a moral dilemma because the steroid community has allowed the very free access to AAS to young people who have no business using this stuff. Once that genie was out of the bottle the media blitz has to come along to demonize steroids and all people/athletes who use them. Too bad, lost in the noise is the rational discussion of the beneficial uses, especially to middle age and older males who can benefit greatly by moderate use along with monitoring with bi-annual blood tests. I admit I take the same approach when talking about steroids or performance enhancing drugs to young people; a simplified explanation that they are bad, cause many problems both physiological and psychological and often ruin the development of those characteristics in young people.

When they turn 35 or 40 I'll be happy to give them the full blown version- hehehe.