Funny Joke Chosen..
Back in my early 20's I frequently went to this bar to cool off after work and of course get a buzz. Some nights were worse then others. This one night I met this older lady that seemed nice and was quite good looking for her age. She was probably late 50's early 60's. Me being a freak liked to try everything so I began to hit on her and of course one thing led to another later that night. Eventually I ended up in her bed doing the nasty. So I'm nailing this old lady and nailin' her and nailin' her and eventually I started to smell this horrible smell. "what the hell is that.." I kept asking myself. It kept getting worse and worse. I finally had to stop nailin' this chick and tell her, "I'm sorry but I can't go on anymore. I'm not sure what that smell is but it's horrible." She replied to me," Honey, don't worry about that smell. I'm so old I can't cum so I shit to show my appreciation."