Any site that has a video of Greg Valentino on the front page is shiit.

Are you fukin serious? This says steroids ruined Valentino's body. Steroids had nothing to do with that, that was ridiculous abuse of synthol. Watch that video, this fukin guy is actually posing thinking he looks good. I hate that he tries to pose as a bodybuilder, he is nothing of the sort. If he competed at even a local show he would end up dead last in his class.

This guy is a total loser and he is writing a column for one of the muscle mags, I cant remember which one, but its just an atrocity.

In the end he says he is self concious of the scar where they had to remove the infection from 1000 cc's of oil in his arm. What a fuc.ktard, I really cant stand this guy, parading around like he knows wtf is goin on.

Ok end of my rant.

I fukin cant stand that douche sack, did I mention that yet?