Test e for 12 weeks, with dbol to start things off for a few weeks is a good beginner cycle. As to the best dosages, really it isn't going to take too much for you to see good results the first time around, even 250mg of test-e per week should give you good gains, and more than that will speed things up - to a point. You shouldn't need more than 500mg/wk for your first cycle. What is most important is your diet, hard training with perfect form, and your rest and recovery. Dialing those things in is way easier said than done, but if you are far off with that, the gains from using gear will be less than you hope for. If you want more help, post up your stats and goals, and I'm sure you'll get lots of helpful feedback. That's what these forums are for, afterall. Also look around at the relevant articles and posts here, particularly those stickied to the top of the various subforums. You should learn a lot. Welcome to the board.