I started feeling shitty tuesday of last week and took a few days off of the gym and thought my cold had passed. Then last weekend i started to get a tickle in my throat. Little by little i started getting more and more congested during the week and the coughing started. My wife was the second one to get it and by mid week my son was congested too. I took the week of from training, which sucks because i had hit an all time high bodyweight of 223, but i knew i needed to focus on fighting this cold. The nice thing was being home in the am with my son and wife. We had a lot of quality time and it was priceless. As always when i get sick my appetite goes to shit and i also didnt feel like prepping as much so i dropped back down to 215 as of friday. My wife said the difference in the definition of my abs was a dead give away that i lost weight. I also cut back on my gear and just did a maintenance shot last sunday and today. My plan is to get back on track monday depending on what happens with this hurricane. I'm still fighting the chest cold today but i think it will begin to subside in the coming days. Wish me luck and i'll try to get on here more frequenty to share.