Quote Originally Posted by TheyCallMeX View Post
Yeah, the old school BBS hahaha. A 1200 baud modem? WOW.....That is REALLY old school!!!! LOL! We gotta talk! I could learn a few things from you. Seems you've got some years on me.

Yes there is a ton of traffic now, but maybe we could hide the sources out there along with the vets/vips. We could always expand and open different hosts. Yes it would be primitive and a pain in the ass but how many people monitor TELNET / BBS nowadays with the modern way of browsing? haha
A BBS system, was actually super simple, there wasnt much to the board. You would have forums, sub-forums, etc.. Most of the ones I was calling was just for games. The games would be pirated from all over(including europe/asia), they would break the codes, and they would upload them to the BBS. Took fucking forever with a 1200baud modem, i think at the time I was doing it, they just came out with the 2400 baud, but I got rid of everything by then.

Not to mention, the phone bills were outrageous, becaus most of the bbs I was calling were out of state. Those could be avoided with hacking, divertors, black boxes, etc., but lots of risk involved.