Quote Originally Posted by TheyCallMeX View Post
May work for the script kiddies, but DDoS are not illegal by law in the US, just the UK and other countries but I can see all that changing soon.
On this you and I are in solid agreement. DDoS attacks are not illegal and should never be. They're a legitimate tactic, but they are a legitimate tactic for both sides. Making them inherantly fair.

My only advice was that the general public shouldn't knowingly lend their processing power (and IP) to a group that's found itself on the wrong side of the DOJ. A skilled hacker, properly protected, lending their support to Wikileaks and Assange is something I totally support. The general unprotected public is going to find themselves with more trouble than they bargained for. Federal prosecuters are pricks. Talented pricks, and they have a 98% conviction rate.

The fact that we're even slightly considering Assange a villan In this country astonishes me! It wasn't that long ago that the Pentagon Papers likewise embarrased "important" people, and revealed things that we citizens should know about our own government activities. Abu Gharab and My Lai are things we need to know about. National security be damned, these things are being done in our name. I'm not comfotable with that.