Quote Originally Posted by Born2Juice4Ever View Post
Hey bro you know what is tearing me apart.
I went to university to become a Chief Financial Officer. (C.F.O)
Worked the scene for almost 8 years, but at the age of 30 I discovered that my passion is cooking.
Last year I went back to school, and spent another 10k in it, to become a chef.
I have been cooking for 5 years, owned a bistro the last 3 years.

But after doing the O.P.A. show this past November, I really want to follow and get thIS BIG urge out of my system.
I see 90% of personal trainers are skinny rags, that look like they never lifted 10 pounds in their life.
MOST people at our gyms, look up and for guys like US....WE know what is going on with the Iron and in the kitchen.

I make around 70k yearly, and have a big overhead, but lots of tied up equity in the restaurant.

Once I get certified I am def willing to explore a 3rd and final career change.

My outlook is very positive for when it comes to Personal training.


thats great bro its good to hear guys that are willing to still take chances and not just be a worker bee,I wish the best of luck to you man! If you do need those issa books send me a pm.