Warhead, EXCELLENT POST! Some guys caint be real bc they're too busy avoiding reality- through the aforementioned ego or perhaps thru these goddamn Xanies, perks, Oxies, Addies etc.... Perhaps they do roids in the 1st place bc they dont want to take on the responsibility of REAL WORK and just want a quick fix or ego boost? Perhaps they escape the whole of reality through being just a great physical specimen(thru bein responsible in only 1 diminsion?)? However it is- there seems to be a bunch of oppurtunistic bullshitters with only intent for self gain around- some even pretend to look out for others just to look good but the thing about real MF's- like i told you before- we recognize it in eachother but also recognize the fake in others and what bein real is not. ie: when a mofo acts 90% real but there's 10% that shows up to us as definately not right- it's that 10% that blares to the real mofos and clues us in that some fakin might be goin on. lol
Plus a desperate pill head caint be real and living through a high is'nt real either. I'm not saying a real mofo caint party every once in a while like when i have a 3some arrainged or something but there is no reality in avoiding the reality of coming off pills or in the desperate chase to not withdraw.
I guess bein real means facing reality and dealing with it like a man. Nothing wrong with fuckin up every once in a while but ownin it and correcting it is what a real mofo does and not try to avoid facing or dealing with it.
Bein real means facing and dealing with your own reality then facing and dealing with reality as a whole or someone elses reality through yours. It means givin a fuck about yourself and others. It means your words and intent match and your actions should reflect that intent and mostly match those words too(as I said every one fucks up or gets a monkey wrench thrown in their plans every now and then).
Newbs need the real mofo more than anyone bc the real mofo will tell the newb the reality and coach him how to deal with it whereas the fake fuck will only try to exploit him as a fake real mofo lookin out. The real mofo needs the newb too bc unless we can steer them to be real mofos too- this shit will be overrun by the exploitive oppurtunists and maybe even the pill heads.
man I'm gonna shut up bc I could go on forever.
The real mofo has heart - meaning he cares about what's real and right for everyone not just hisself and he has balls to stick by that no matter what the magority or those in political control do or say. funny though that comes off as not giving a fuck to some but to a real mofo it shows just the opposite.
I swear too many boys are raised by their mamas these days! LMAO!
i'm shuttin up now.