
u are correct, some Dr's might not want to check everything. But if you insist on it, and you're adamant, most should. Hell, I've even had one tell me "ok, I will test for all these things at your request, but I'm writing it in the notes" (you know, like that Seinfeld show where Elaine was the bad patient? LOL!)

I told him "fine with me, write whatever you want, as long as I can get all those items checked. I'm paying for this visit, and the blood work out of pocket anyway" And that was that.

Most Doctors and nurses are too smart for their own good. You know, with all the schooling they have, they think they know all the answers when they really dont? I also like to tell/ask the "know-it-all's", How can we be sure I dont have anything wrong (ie- something caused by heredity, allergy, illness, cancer, Hiv, ulcers, or whatnot), if we don't check EVERYTHING to make sure?

Just stay on them, keep insisting on what you want, after all, it's your body, your safety and health you're worried about! Besides, they work for you remember.


I'm too cheap (or is it too smart?) to have to screw with going to a urologist!