Biden pissed the fuck out of me in the debates when he said that everyone making over a quarter mill would get raped tax wise because its "fair". Fuck him. So people who work their fucking asses off to make money are going to get a shitload of their money taken away from them while some lazy fucks (obviously i don't mean people that make less that 250k i am just reffering in general because there are alot of them) are going to get tax cuts??? That makes no fucking sense. It's socialism. Even if you are making less than 250k i hope you can see the stupidity in not only Bidens statement but also this action.

McCaine/Palin will do much more for the country then Obama/Biden. Yes...i would prefer obama's outlook on performance enhancing drugs vs mccaine's, however, that is only one peice to a much more important puzzle...if you know what i mean.