I'm 37 and my son will be 3 this march. My wife and i weren't planning on having children at the time she got pregnant, we were busy partying, spending frivilously on vacations and such. The news was a big adjustment for us to make and even for some time after he was born it was tough. We missed going out to clubs, dinner, movies and on vacations without having to think about anyone but ourselves. I also missed being able to train whenever and for however long or frequently as i wanted because it was just me and her. That being said, in a matter of just a few months and all that stuff wasn't as important to us. As he has grown and really continued to develop as a person he has become more and more THE MEANING OF OUR LIVES. There isn't anything in the world you could offer me to go back to the way things were before him. It's funny how true the things my parents have said to me in my younger years turned out to be. The greatest thing my mother ever said to me was that she didn't understand how much her mother and mother in law were in love with us kids until my son came along. Now she understands completely how wrapped up in their grandkids grandparents get. IT was truely one of the happiest moments in my life to realize how positively this little boy has affected so many people in the family.
Wow, i wasn't expecting to get this sentimental this morning.