Quote Originally Posted by loudawg View Post
So true....but I also think the media has a huge impact on what the government is doing these days. Ever since andro, the media has been searching for people to link to aas, and everytime they find an athlete using it's a big story. We have idiot journalists in this country that don't know anything about medicine or science, spewing garbage that falls on mis-informed ears and creates this hatred for aas and anyone who uses. One of the reasons I don't watch the news.
the media and the grandstanding polticians, the ones who snort lines off hookers chest, or are fondling boy pages and toe tapping in the bathroom, are destroying our country. aas has killed less people than ted kennedy's car.
the only way i ever see aas become accepted is if someone in the pharmaceutical industry becomes really motivated and greases enough palms, sucks enough dick and comes up with studies to prove the efficacy and safety of aas medically supervised in an adult population. the market would be astronomical. sadly it will never happen.