listen bro.

im not gonne lie u have some hard ass test atrophy balls to post this. for this i have new found respect for you. i do sympathize with you for it bro but trust me right now me and my gf are fighting i would marry this chick! im sooo head over heals in love with her and shes about 5 hours from me and wants to take the summer off.

she was a virgin and she "wants to be friends"... i was a dick and kinda she caught me texting nasty things to my xgf who left back to russia... whatever my fault.

but i absolutely love her with all my heart but its tearing at me that she doesnt want me so im letting her go she said she still wants to be with me but nothing is the same.

trust me a girl who wants enjoyment without you is selfish and always will be selfish if its something i recommend its an anger bang. go out and go clubbin or to a bar and bring back that chick and pull her hair and rail is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo friggen hard bro get out your frustration and then focus on yourself and what your priorities are.

i really know how u feel. but its better to have lost love and love and lost at the same time...

please get over her and let her know. u will not be her friend and u will not want a life with her now. tell her thanks for ruining an amazing thing.

let her feel guilty. its her fault. not urs.

trust me! she wants to walk over u. dont do it! please im begging u for all the dicks on this planet. stand up to your woman!