Quote Originally Posted by solar View Post
guys I"m worried about getting tested for steriods. I don't smoke herb.anymore.lol i'm going through a divorce and my cunt ass soon to be ex wife has brought it up. i just had to take one in order to see my kids un supervised. which i passed but if she wants to she can pay for me to get one if she ask. my lawyer is a douch bag!! i told him i would take one, next thing I know her lawyer stipulates that if she wants she has a right to get me test as long as she pays for it. until the divorce is over. i was like what the fuck?? controling bitch. thing is I will have warning if i have to take one. so I can get ready

I dont think thats legal. Unless you were ever arrested for juice they cannot make you take any tests for custody issues,etc.. They cant just take her word.