you did the right thing. It's hard and miserable and depressing and you might even be lonely for a while. But you did the right thing!

People can only change themselves. And if she doesnt want to change, or even see that she has a problem to begin with, then she's in denial and blind to her own condition.

You have to take care of number 1, YOU!

You tried, you gave it a shot, spent some good times with her, but Gosh Damn (yeah I said Gosh! ) you can only waste so much of your life on somebody else.

No one will think less of you for walking away from her and that situation. Neither should you! All you can do is try, that's probably more than anyone else would have done.

Live your life for YOU, do what makes YOU happy, work to make money for YOU, workout for YOU, and someday, you'll even meet or date someone who wants to make YOU happy, and for YOU to be the priority in THEIR life for a change.

A relationship that's easy.. wouldn't that be nice?