I am strongly against immigration and giving in to the minority groups.

I say put up a wall and get the illegals the hell out of my country.
It’s now fair to all the people trying to get into our country the right way.

There are too many Americans losing their jobs to the illegal.

People will tell you that they are just doing the jobs that the rest of us chose not to do. This is a damn lie. For every 100 illegals that get jobs 90 Americans lose theirs.

Our government has turned into pussies.

But in regards to PECS statement about gear.
Should gear be illegal, Hell no.
But, personality I am glad that AAS are illegal.
It gives me an edge

Now remember kids
"Rules are for Tools"
If you follow the law because you are told, you are a tool.
If you follow it because you believe it is the right thing to do then you are not a tool.


Just my two cc's