Mr Olympia 2012 Results: Winners, Complete Events Recap, More
By Michael Moraitis

The 2012 Mr. Olympia competition is complete and the winner on the men's side is Phil Heath, who has successfully defended his crown from 2011.

As the event went on, it was clear that Mr. Olympia 2012 was a two-man race between Heath and fellow competitor, Kai Greene.

Things were looking great for Greene at the start, but after going side-by-side with Heath during the confirmation round, Greene looked inferior to the reigning champion.

The roundness of Heath's muscles topped that of Greene's and while the two were comparable from the back, Heath's density made the difference. It was Heath's rear lat pose that showed his superior thickness.

Evan Centopani was a pleasant surprise this year as the rookie finished strong in his Mr. Olympia debut, placing eighth.

Many people wrote off Toney Freeman as being finished in bodybuilding, but the 46-year old went on to impress his way to a seventh-place finish.

Shawn Rhoden had an extremely impressive showing this year, improving on his 11th place in his last Mr. Olympia competition to third in the 2012 version.

Next year looks to be an even more exciting event than the 2013 version. We already know that Greene and Heath are in a class all their own, but the inclusion of four-time champion Jay Cutler will add another element to this competition. Cutler had to miss 2012 because of an injury.

The 2013 Mr. Olympia will no doubt be a three-man race between Heath, Greene and Cutler, barring injury.

Let's take a look at the full results for all the major events.

2012 Mr. Olympia Results

1. Phil Heath

2. Kai Greene

3. Shawn Rhoden

4. Dexter Jackson

5. Branch Warren

6. Dennis Wolf

7. Toney Freeman

8. Evan Centopani

9. Johnnie Jackson

10. Lionel Beyeke

212 Division Results

1. Flex Lewis

2. David Henry

3. Eduardo Correa da Silva

4. Jose Raymond

5. Al Auguste

6. Tricky Johnson

Figure Results

1. Erin Stern

2. Nicole Wilkins

3. Candice Keene

4. Heather Dees

5. Mallory Haldeman

6. Teresa Anthony