Quote Originally Posted by TheyCallMeX View Post
Mitt Romney
Mitch Daniels
Newt Gingrich
Sarah Palin
Nikki Haley
Jim DeMint
Ron Paul
Michele Bachman

....and many others who I wouldn't even care to list. This is the best of the best. The only person I would even consider would be Ron Paul.

That list of fuck ups makes Sarah Palin look like a good candidate! Geeze.

And the teabaggers, don't get me started. Michele Bachman has no fucking idea what she is talking about when referring to the constitution. This is why a 16 year old, (yes, you read right!) offered to challenge her to a debate on the knowledge of the constitution. Since then this girl has gotten harassed by teabaggers to no end.

Ughhhhh what is this country coming to. The democants and republicant's.

Fuck me running.

Debt. Debt. Debt. War. War. Debt. Loss of civil rights. Loss of civil liberties.

So the "teabaggers" want government out of our lives and us out of dept and you make fun of them? You really show that you have zero clue about anything. Make fun of the presidents and other politicians but do not make fun of people who actually want what is best for America.